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Voya Wins 2 Awards at the NAHB's Nationals Awards 2022

This year, Amacon won two awards at the NAHB's National Awards for their latest project Voya, the newest addition to Parkside Village in Mississauga. Voya took home two marketing silvers, one for Best Signage, and another for Best Merchandising of a Model Suite. Amacon collaborated with several talented designers including TV Contractors Brian McCourt and Trish Johnston who designed the stunning suites of Voya with the modern urbanite in mind. This fresh new approach to the cookie-cutter condo breaks traditional barriers and reinvents design for condo-sized living.

The Nationals Awards

The Nationals, NAHB’s largest and most prestigious awards competition, announced its 2022 Silver Award Winners this month. Established in 1982, The Nationals celebrates North America’s best new-home sales and marketing, and recognizes outstanding achievements in categories that include:

— Homebuilders and communities — Model homes — Sales experience — Architecture, interiors and sales offices — Landscaping — Merchandising — Individual sales professionals — Councils and associates — Logos, graphics, brochures and signage — Websites — Special promotions — Advertising and overall campaigns

Presented by the National Sales and Marketing Council (NSMC), a council of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), along with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, The Nationals showcase winners in distinguished national, regional, and local publications. Preferred sponsors include major building product manufacturers, financial institutions, homebuilders, developers, architects and real estate associates.


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